5 Simple Ways to Remember to Change Your Filter!

B.27 Change filter

In today’s age where there are 101 things to remember to do throughout your day, it may be easy to forget to change your furnace filter on regular scheduled intervals! As easy as it may be forgotten, it is not a task that should be ignored.  Changing your filter regularly helps keep your system running efficiently.  Choosing to not change your filters regularly will cause stress to your system and unwanted particles will no longer be trapped from entering your home’s air.  In an effort to help you from forgetting to change your filter we’ve provided a list of 5 simple ways to remember to change your filter!

  1. Create a home maintenance checklist that includes a reminder to change your filter as frequently as recommended based on your system.  A good rule of thumb is to change your filter approximately every 3 months.  Once a checklist is created–stick to it!
  2. Set an alarm on your handy dandy smartphone to remind you.
  3. Schedule your seasonal HVAC checkups.  When the BELOMAN visits your home for seasonal tune-ups we will go ahead and change your filter for you!
  4. Schedule all of your maintenance home chores for a certain day.  This way everything will be accomplished at once!
  5. Give yourself an award for remembering.  A little incentive never hurt anybody!

If you keep these 5 simple tasks in hand, forgetting to change your filter will no longer be an issue! If #3 appealed to you, give us a call today to sign up for your seasonal tune-ups.  Can’t find the filter you’re needing? We have a whole warehouse of different filters in stock!