Beat the heat!

Summer heat is on it’s way.

In cooperation with mother nature we were able to continue completing air conditioner service calls. The heat is not unbearable just yet, but the humidity levels are surely uncomfortable. Heat poses more risks than many people may think. On average, heat related deaths account for 684 people annually according to To help keep our customers safe, here are some tips to stay safe this summer. 

Stay cool, stay alive. 
1. Take it easy during the hottest times of the day. Check the weather report and find out what time the sun peaks and plan your errands around it. You don’t want to be drenched in sweat while in the waiting room of your doctor either. 

2. Check your medication for side affects including dehydration. These side effects in combination with the heat of the day can prove to be a deadly mix. 

3. Make sure to wear sunscreen. We are just coming out of the bleak winter months. Unless you have been to a tanner, you probably don’t have your base tan yet. UV rays are present even when clouds are widespread, take precautions. 

While these are very very basic tips, it’s amazing how many people forego the warnings and succumb to heat related illnesses. We want our customer to be safe, healthy, and most of all comfortable in their own home. If you A/C needs to be checked, call today! The Beloman will get you back in shape. 

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