How soon is too soon to think about your furnace?

August 7, 2013
The answer is it’s never too early.  August is the perfect time to seriously start thinking about upgrading your furnace because September is an unpredictable month for weather and the temperatures are downhill from there.  One year it may be 90 degrees the entire month and the next it may be in the 40s.  Because…
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What is this air duct cleaning business?

July 24, 2013
…And why do I need it? Well, my friend, that is an excellent question.  Do you or anyone in your family suffer from allergies inside the home? Do you like clean air?  Well then, a comprehensive air duct cleaning is just the solution for you!  If you are like most people, you spend between 60…
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Fifteen Minutes of Fame

July 17, 2013
Bel-O had a unique opportunity this past weekend: to be a guest on KTRS 550 radio during the “Inside Out” show with John Shea and Jim McMillan.  Our own residential heating and cooling expert, Jerry Harrington, appeared on the show to field questions listeners had about all things air conditioning. You can listen to the…
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