How a humidifier can help you stay healthy

December 18, 2012
Sorry for the delay in this weeks post. Finally feeling better after dealing with bronchitis. Health Related: Humidity is essential to maintaining your body’s immune system. The recommended humidity level in your home should be between 45 – 65%. Low levels of humidity can cause eruptions in skin allergies and respiratory infections. Also, a air purifier is…
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What is ‘the fear of encountering snakes while crawling through the crawlspace under the house to get to the crawlspace furnace called:

December 3, 2012
We’ve survived Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. It’s amazing how many days you can contribute to shopping and holiday cheer in one week. Maybe a vacation day should be schedule in there to rest from the holidays, or that’s our feeling. It’s the time of year when furnaces are kicking on,…
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